Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Weds, 19 Nov 2008

Web 2.0 in the Workplace

Interesting issue raised: do Web 2.0 technologies actually have a legitimate place in the working environment? Some people don't think so.

However, there are some problems that it solves:
  • Tribal Knowledge (Searching for expertise): Wikis, Facebook, etc. can be used to supercede the company employee directory to ehlp people find the right person for a particular issue much more quickly.
  • Expertise drain: People retire. When people dump all of their knowledge on wikis, then you've got that expertise even after the experts are gone.
  • Wikis allow multiple people to access, edit, revise the same information. There is less bottlenecking, because you don't have to wait on the one person whose official job it is to actually make the changes to the company intranet.
Project blogs:
  • A complete record, beginning to end, of all of the issues, decisions, viewpoints, etc. of everything in a project. Easily distributable, easily searchable, easily updated. The conversation never ends.

  • Can help us prevent the duplication of work.
  • Thousands of man hours spent researching things.
  • Not just one employee needs information.
  • Intellectual capital can be leveraged instead of reinventing the wheel every day.
Want to keep things secret? This needs to be taken into consideration

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