Monday, November 17, 2008

Mon, 17 Nov 2008


Participation - equal among group members
Interaction - Group members actively respond to one another
Synthesis - the product is a synthesis of ideas and input from all members of the group

Collaboration - no individual break up of work, organic, everyone has responsibility for the whole.
  • interdependence among group members
  • common purpose goal
  • all group members contribute to all significant aspects of the work
Cooperation - everyone has their own individual task, assigned by the group or teacher.

Those were really good activities to demonstrate the relative strengths and weaknesses of collaboration vs. cooperation.

1 comment:

Brian Chantry said...

I thought the comment made in class about cooperation having a place in working with collaboration interesting. Perhaps collaboration has a better outcome, but there are times when cooperation can be used to start the process or help certain aspects of it to move along.